Nano V3 Board ATmega328P CH340 Controller with 0.91'' OLED Display for Arduino
Nano V3 Board ATmega328P CH340 Controller with 0.91'' OLED Display for Arduino
Nano V3.0 with Built-In OLED
Completely compatible with Arduino
Nano and Arduino IDE.
Small, complete, and
user-friendly, it offers the same connectivity and specs of the Nano board.
It is larger than the original
Nano board to accommodate the screen. (see comparison picture)
This board works the same way as original
Nano, runs perfectly on programming software, and fully compatible with
Windows, Mac and Linux operating system.
It integrates a 0.91 inch OLED
display, without the need for any wires or breadboards.
The OLED display has a 128X32
high-resolution, with no backlight and works with SSD1306 driver. The Board
uses I2C for connecting to OLED Display (I2C: A4 (SDA) and A5 (SCL))
It is equipped with original ATmega328P
chip and CH340 chipset for USB communication.
It uses a Mini-B USB port, just
like the original Nano.
7-12V unregulated external power
supply (pin 30), or 5V regulated external power supply (pin 27).
The power source is automatically
selected to the highest voltage source.
The pins come soldered to the
bottom of the board.
Pinout Configuration
Power/ Reset: Vin, 3.3V,
Analog Pins: AO - A7, 0-5V
Input/ Output Pins: Digital
Pins D0-D13, 0V(low) and 5V(high)
Serial: Rx, Tx, TTL serial
External Interrupts: 2, 3
PWM: 3, 5, 6, 9, 11
SPI: 10(SS), 11 (MOSI),
12(MISO), 13(SCK)
Built-in LED: 13
Board Tech Specs
Microcontroller: ATmega328P
- 8-bit AVR
Operating Voltage: 5V
Input Voltage for Vin pin:
Analog Input Pins: 6 (AO –
Digital I/ 0 Pins: 14 (Out
of which 6 provide PWM output)
DC Current on I/ 0 Pins: 40
DC Current on 3.3V Pin: 50
Flash Memory: 32 KB (2 KB
is used for Bootloader)
OLED Display Specs
Screen Size: 0.91 inch
Number of Pixels: 128x32
pixel resolution with 160° viewing angle
Interface: I2C
Driver IC: SSD1306
Board & Display
connection pins
• Nano 5V -> OLED VCC
• Nano GND -> OLED GND
• Nano A4 -> OLED SDA
• Nano A5 -> OLED SCL